climate resilience & disaster recovery

Forest Health Treatments & Wildfire Mitigation

Our forests, meadows and grasslands depend on our activity on the landscape for maintaining healthy forests resilient to disease and catastrophic wildfire. We work with local and regional groups to administer programs for mechanical thinning, chipping, biomass utilization or disposal, and prescribed burns on the forest landscape and in the wildland-urban interface.

Climate Resilience Planning & Adaptation

We work on climate resilience planning and project implementation for Tribes, rural communities in the wildland-urban interface who have experienced or are at risk of catastrophic wildfire, and communities experiencing forced migration due to sea level rise induced by climate change.

Long-term Natural Disaster Recovery

After disaster, housing, commercial redevelopment, potable water infrastructure, power generation, and natural resource management are necessities-and also opportunities for rebuilding better than before. With our roots in 2021 Dixie Fire recovery, we support long-term disaster recovery efforts in communities who need advocacy and resources to heal and rebuild. We specialize at the intersection of natural and cultural resources, housing, and economic development.