
wood products

Geo Consulting brings experience in the forestry, agriculture, bio-energy, real estate development and disaster recovery sectors, where the rehabilitation of landscapes and livelihoods go hand in hand.

We work with communitiesbusinesses, economic development entities and NGOs to grow innovative products and programs for the benefit of working landscapes and communities.

About Georgia

Georgia Reid is Founder and Principal of Geo Consulting. Georgia has been focused on building regenerative economies for nearly a decade, across diverse industries. Her work includes cross-cultural group facilitation about watershed and climate issues, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)-led ecosystem restoration, project development and carbon methodology design for community-scale biomass energy systems, supply chain strategy and marketing of mass timber housing for wildfire recovery, and business development for rebooting the North American linen industry.

Georgia has been recognized for her environmental leadership, service, and research by the Udall Foundation, the State of Oregon's Heritage Program, Columbia University Scholastic Press Association, and her undergraduate environmental studies program. Georgia earned a dual B.A. in sociology/anthropology and environmental studies from Lewis & Clark College, and is a graduate of the Oregon Native American Chamber's O.N.E. Coalition, Wisdom of the Elders' Wisdom Agricultural Business Incubator (WABI), and MercyCorps NW IDA business startup program.

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